Open Access Materials - Criminal Law and Procedure

This page on the Blog is an attempt to begin curating open-access scholarship on criminal law and procedure. The organisation is on an arbitrary basis, but I hope that does become prohibitive for people to access the resources themselves. I will keep periodically updating this so please excuse the blanks   which you might find at a given point. 

Suggestions to add to the lists are more than welcome, as long as they are open source.



Shamshul Huda, The Principles of the Law of Crimes in British India (Tagore Law Lectures, 1902) [link].

Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, The Indian Penal Code (9th edn., 1920) [link].

Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, The Law of Evidence (4th edn., 1926) [link].

Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, The Criminal Procedure Code (5th edn., 1946) [link].

K.K. Nigam, 'Due Process of Law: A Comparative Study of Procedural Guarantees against Deprivations of Personal Liberty in the United States and India' 4 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 99 (1962) [link].

S.N. Jain, 'Constitutional Law - Article 20(3) - Physical Examination' 4 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 552 (1962) [link].

J.K. Mittal, 'Special Criminal Courts and the Supreme Court of India' 7 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 57 (1965) [link].

Lotika Satkar & R.V. Kelkar, 'Criminal Law' 7 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 456 (1965) [link].

B.P. Srivastava, 'Right against Arbitrary Arrest and Detention under Article 9 of the Covenant as Recognised and Protected under the Indian Law' 11 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 29 (1969) [link].

Frederick Taft, 'Detention of the Unconvicted in Patna, India' 5(2) Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 155 (1973) [link].

R. Deb, 'Reforms in Criminal Law - Some Suggestions' 17 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 592 (1975) [link].

Mrinal Satish and Aparna Chandra, 'Of Maternal State and Minimalist Judiciary: The Indian Supreme Court's Approach to Terror-Related Adjudication' 21(1) National Law School of India Review 59 (2009) [link].

Mrinal Satish, 'Bad Characters, History Sheeters, Budding Goondas and Rowdies: Police Surveillance Files and Intelligence Databases in India' 23(1) National Law School of India Review 133 (2011) [link].

Mark McBride, "Section 300(c) of the Indian Penal Code: From First Principles' 26 National Law School of India Review 77 (2014) [link].

Gautam Bhatia, 'Privacy and the Criminal Process: Selvi v State of Karnataka' (SSRN, 2016; published as part of The Transformative Constitution: A Radical Biography in Nine Acts) [link].

Aparna Chandra & Keerthana Medarametla, 'The State of Undertrial Prisoners in India' (SSRN, 2018) [link]. 

Khagesh Gautam, 'The Unfair Operation Principle and the Exclusionary Rule: On the Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Criminal Trials in India' 27(2) Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 147 (2017) [link].

Project Reports

Project 39A, Death Penalty India Report Vol. 1 (2016) [link].

Centre for Communication Governance, Hate Speech Laws in India (2018) [link].

Centre for Law & Policy Research, Re-Imagining Bail Decision-Making (2020) [link].

Project 39A, Death Penalty Sentencing in Trial Courts (2020) [link].

Criminal Justice and Police Accountability Project, Countermapping Pandemic Policing (2021) [link].

Center for the Study of Developing Societies et al, Status of Policing in India Report 2020-21, Vol. 1 — Policing in Conflict Affected Regions [link].  

Vrinda Bhandari, Abhinav Sekhri, Natasha Maheshwari, and Madhav Aggarwal, The Use and Misuse of Section 144 Cr.P.C. (2023) [link]

Legislative Material

Report of the Joint Committee on the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill 1954 [link]. 

Report of the Joint Committee on the Code of Criminal Procedure Bill 1970 [link].

Report of the Joint Committee on the Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Bill 1972 [link].

Legal History

M.C. Setalvad, The Common Law in India (Hamlyn Lectures, 1960) [link].

G.O. Koppell, 'The Emergency, the Courts, and Indian Democracy' 8 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 287 (1966) [link].

Rohit De, The Republic of Writs (2013, Unpublished PhD Thesis — published as A People's Constitution) [link].

Radha Kumar, Police Matters: The Everyday State and Caste Politics in South India: 1900-1975 (2021) [link] 

Comparative Law Resources

The Criminal Law Web [link]



Rollin M. Perkins, 'The Civil Offense' 100 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 832 (1952) [link]. 

Caleb Foote, 'Vagrancy Type Law and its Administration' 104 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 603 (1956) [link].

Herbert Packer, 'Two Models of the Criminal Process' 113(1) University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1 (1964) [link].

Mirjan Damaska, 'Evidentiary Barriers to Conviction and Two Models of Criminal Procedure: A Comparative Study' 121 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 506 (1972) [link].

Mirjan Damaska, 'Structures of Authority and Comparative Criminal Procedure' 84 Yale Law Journal 480 (1974) [link].

William J. Stuntz, 'The Substantive Origins of Criminal Procedure' 105 Yale Law Journal 393 (1995) [link].

Akhil Reed Amar & Renee B. Lettow, 'Fifth Amendment First Principles: The Self-Incrimination Clause' 93(5) Michigan Law Review 857 (1995) [link].

Carol S. Steiker, 'Counter-Revolutions in Criminal Procedure: Two Audiences, Two Answers' 94 Michigan Law Review 2466 (1996) [link].

Thomas A. Green, 'Freedom and Criminal Responsibility in the Age of Pound: An Essay on Criminal Justice' 93(2) Michigan Law Review 1915 (1995) [link].

William J. Stuntz, 'The Uneasy Relationship between Criminal Procedure and Criminal Justice', 107 Yale Law Journal 1 (1997) [link].

Larry Alexander & Kimberly Kessler, 'Mens Rea and Inchoate Crimes' 87 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1138 (1997) [link].

Carol S. Steiker, 'The Limits of the Preventive State' 88 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 771 (1998) [link].

Daniel C. Richman, 'Federal Criminal Law, Congressional Delegation, and Enforcement Discretion' 46 University of California Law Review 757 (1998) [link].

William J. Stuntz, 'The Pathological Politics of Criminal Law' 100(3) Michigan Law Review 505 (2001) [link].

Markus D. Dubber, 'Policing Possession: The War on Crime and the end of Criminal Law' 91(4) Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 829 (2001) [link].

Markus D. Dubber, 'Towards a Constitutional Law of Crime and Punishment' 55(3) Hastings Law Journal 509 (2004) [link].

Rachel Barkow, 'Separation of Powers and the Criminal Law' 58 Stanford Law Review 989 (2006) [link].

Samuel W. Buell, 'Criminal Procedure Within the Firm' 59 Stanford Law Review 1613 (2007) [link]

Anthony O' Rourke, 'Structural Overdelegation in Criminal Procedure' 103 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 407 (2013) [link].

Samuel W. Buell, 'The Responsibility Gap in Corporate Crime' 12 Criminal Law and Philosophy 471 (2018) [link].

Alice Ristroph, 'An Intellectual History of Mass Incarceration' 60 Boston College Law Review 1949 (2019) [link].

Legal History

John H. Langbein, 'The Criminal Trial Before the Lawyers' 45 University of Chicago Law Review 263 (1978) [link]. 

Louis M. Seidman, 'Brown and Miranda' 80(3) California Law Review 673 (1992) [link].

John H. Langbein, 'The Historical Origins of the Privilege against Self-Incrimination at Common Law' 92 Michigan Law Review 1047 (1993) [link]. 

Michael J. Klarman, 'The Racial Origins of Modern Criminal Procedure' 99(1) Michigan Law Review 48 (2000) [link].

George Fisher, 'Plea Bargaining's Triumph' 109 Yale Law Journal 857 (2000) [link].



Glanville Williams, The Proof of Guilt (Hamlyn Lectures, 1955) [link].

Rupert Cross, Punishment, Prison and the Public (Hamlyn Lectures, 1971) [link].

J.C. Smith, Justification and Excuse in the Criminal Law (Hamlyn Lectures, 1989) [link].

Andrew Ashworth & Lucia Zedner, 'Defending the Criminal Law: Reflections on the Changing Nature of Crime, Procedure and Sanctions' 2 Criminal Law and Philosophy 21 (2008) [link].

Andrew Ashworth, 'A Change of Normative Position: Determining the Contours of Culpability in Criminal Law' 2(2) New Criminal Law Review 232 (2008) [link].

Lucia Zedner and Andrew Ashworth, 'The Rise and Restraint of the Preventive State' 2 Annual Review of Criminology 429 (2019) [link].

Jackson Allen, 'Rethinking the Relationship between Reverse Burdens and the Presumption of Innocence' 25(2) International Journal of Evidence and Proof 115 (2021). [link].

Legal History

James F. Stephen, A General View of the Criminal Law of England (2nd edn., 1890) [link].

White Collar Crime

Peter Alldridge, 'The Moral Limits of the Crime of Money Laundering' 5(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 279 (2001) [link].

South Africa & Canada


Legal History

Australia and New Zealand

Lawrence W. Maher, 'The Use and Abuse of Sedition' 14 Sydney Law Review 287 (1992) [link].

Simon Bronitt and James Stellios, 'Sedition, Security and Human Rights: "Unbalanced" Law Reform in the "War on Terror"', 30 Melbourne University Law Review 923 (2006) [link].

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